So… this was the best time ever.
Which is exactly opposite of what my expectations were … ( no offense crew).
This idea of a camera involved blossomed a couple years back when we hosted a bourbon night at Refinery 507. We were excited to get an event going, and learn a a bit on the way. And then I found out, real quick by the way, I know JACK about bourbon. Get it, JACK, as in DANIELS.
ps. ( Jack is a Tennessee whiskey that I totally put in the same category as the almighty Bourbon back then. This is both a true and wee bit shameful statement, but hey look at how much can change in a few short years.)
In fact, before the 507 my fondest memory of anything near having “knowledge” of bourbon was way back when. You know the drill, crisp 21 year olds passing around a bottle of Jack thinking they got the good stuff. I am also 98.5% sure I definitely did NOT enjoy a second of that. Beyond the good ol’ days… I picked up the basics here and there, in a quaint little town of 10,000… served chuck full of ice, with a fizzy mixer, and make that a double.
Fast Forward to 2021 when I was in the fast lane, which included forcing myself to dive in head first to a world I never knew existed.
BOURBON. Not whiskey. BOURBON.
I knew that bourbon’s home was Kentucky, maybe three flavors that were well known to the gen pop and that’s where it ended. These fella’s here, well, they decided to let a gal in on some basic facts, personal knowledge, + flavor notes in a judgement free zone, because yes, yes bourbon snobs totally do exist.
After ‘sips + cigars’ on the rooftop this summer I left feeling something. Turns out this feeling was this little pocket of joy all made possible by seeing THEIR JOY.
The never ending and always passionate conversations about experiences, family, and the flavor palate of their favorite bourbon.
The conversations that ignite curiosity.
The quick slip of a joke to keep the energy light. Not to mention the low key mood made possible by the glow of the fire. Giving off all the speakeasy vibes. More than anything, it felt like you were a part of something, and that is so freaking cool.
The moral of the story for me goes something like this. It was fun as hell yes, but more importantly it connected the dots to one of my auspicious New Year’s goals. Including being present. Being MORE PRESENT than ever. Oh, and to continue to step out of the box even a tinniest bit every day.
You know what?
I had completely forgotten how to do that. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life I had forgotten to just focus on the moment. The moment that was created so intricately for me, myself, and I. Instead I was letting my “to-do list” guide my steps and steal my focus.
So don’t hesitate to step out the box every once in awhile and TRUST yourself. It may be scary or awkward. It may seem like work. Heck it may seem like something you just need to get through. But also, it may imprint one of those gold stars right on your heart. You just never know.
P.S. These guys ( and myself ) are getting stoked as we recruit all the finest for the next ‘sips + cigars’ on the rooftop of Second Story, you should totally join. It’s basically all the rage.
Peace. Love. + Joy.
Jan 28, 2025